“From grief to poetry” - Soireé | Gesprek | Chansons
Anne Bernard Kearney + Philomène&
Anne Bernard Kearney was born in France from a French father and an Irish mother. She studied architecture at Les Beaux-Arts, Paris. She lived in Dublin from 1980 to 1999 and then moved to Boston, Massachusetts, where she has lived since. She teaches French part-time at Boston College (Department of Romance Languages.
*Die gasspreker is van Boston, VSA, afkomstig en die gesprek word gevolglik in Engels gevoer.
Willemien Rust (née Heyns) is a South African singer-songwriter, with a French alter ego “Philomène”. In 2013, alongside her master studies in French at the University of Pretoria, she launched two solo music projects with a strong focus on collaboration. She composes alternative Afrikaans music in her mother tongue and performs French and francophone covers in creative meetings with other musicians. On 12 May she will be performing with James Robb (percussionist), Pieter Bezuidenhout (accordion player) and Mukuba Jo (bassist).
Dit is oudergewoonte nie ‘n lesing nie en vind in ‘n bistro-atmosfeer plaas. Gaste kan met ander woorde tussendeur eet en ’n drankie geniet en reeds vanaf 18:00 smul aan ‘n keuse van drie keurige disse. Daar is professionele sekuriteitswagte gereël om die parkeerarea te patrolleer.
Vrydag 12 Mei 2017 vanaf 19:00
R90pp - sluit aandete in wat reeds vanaf 18:00 bedien word.
Bespreek by 012 328 3173 / hostess@caferiche.co.za
Iedereen Welkom!
Café Riche | Kerkplein 2, Pretoria
Parkering: Vanweë die opgradering van die Plein is sekere strate gesluit. Toegang is tans moontlik vanuit drie rigtings nl: a) Suid:Vanuit Pretoriusstraat: in Parlementstraat om voor die ou Capitol Teater te parkeer. b)Wes: Vanuit W.F.Nkomostraat, oor Bosman en parkeer voor die Poskantoorgebou. c)Noord: Vanuit Paul Krugerstraat, kruis Madibastraat (Vermeulen), ry links om Kerkplein en parkeer reg voor Café Riche. Dui asb aan by die wagte by die geel versperrings dat u op pad is na Café Riche en hulle sal u deurlaat (Kerkplein is ook afgesluit maar ons het gereël vir toegang vir ons gaste op die aand.) Parking: Due to the upgrading of the square, certain streets were closed. Access is currently possible from three directions, namely: A) South: From Pretorius Street: Turn right in Parliament Street to park in front of the old Capitol Theater. B) West: From W.F.Nkomostraat (Church) Street, across Bosman and park in Front of the Post Office building. C) North: From Paul Kruger Street, cross Madiba Street (Vermeulen), turn left Church and go around the Square and park right in front of Café Riche. Please inform the guards at the yellow barriers that you are on the way to Café Riche and they will let you through (Church Square is also closed but we arranged for access for our guests at night.
Volg ons op Twitter en neem aanlyn deel aan die gesprek: @Filosofie_Kafee #grieftopoetry
Volg ons op Twitter en neem aanlyn deel aan die gesprek: @Filosofie_Kafee #grieftopoetry